
Mostrati 2241-2260 di 3105 Risultati.
BibliografiaFilodemo, Storia dei filosofi, La stoa da Zenone a Panezio (PHerc. 1018)Dorandi, Stoa  books.google.itDorandi, Stoa1994 
BibliografiaAn Epicurean Priest from Apamea in SyriaSmith, Apamea  www.uni-koeln.deZPE1996 
BibliografiaUn papiro ercolanese a LeidenDorandi, Leiden  www.uni-koeln.de  www.jstor.orgZPE1995
BibliografiaHerculanensia; or Archeological and Philological Dissertations: containing a Manuscript Found among the Ruins of HerculaneumDrummond-Walpole, Herculanensia  archive.orgDrummond- Walpole, Herculanensia1810 
BibliografiaDe Metrodori Epicurei vita et scriptis. Accedunt fragmenta collecta digesta illustrataDuening  play.google.comDuening, Metrodori fragmenta1870 
BibliografiaAdversaria IV (Philodemi peri poiematon, libri II, fragm. p. 242 Hausrath)Ellis, Adversaria IV  archive.orgJPh1891 
BibliografiaThe Athenian Archons of the Third and Second Centuries before ChristFerguson, Athenian Archons  archive.orgCSCPh1899 
BibliografiaThe Pastoral Epistles in the Light of Philodemus'"On Frank Criticism"Fiore, The Pastoral Epistles  books.google.itNew Testament2004 
BibliografiaAnger, Philodemus'Good King, and the Helen Episode of Aeneid 2.567-589: A New Proof of Authenticity from HerculaneumFish, Anger  books.google.itVergil2004 
BibliografiaVergil's Apprenticeship. IIFrank, Vergil's Apprenticeship  archive.orgCPh1920 
BibliografiaEin Gespräch mit König Philipp: Zum "Eudemos" des AristotelesGaiser, Aristoteles  books.google.itGaiser, Aristoteles1985 
BibliografiaAncora sullo scolarcato epicureo di TespiGallo, Tespi  www.jstor.orgZPE1983 
BibliografiaPhilonides the Epicurean at court: Early connectionsGera, Philonides  www.uni-koeln.deZPE1999 
BibliografiaDove visse Filodemo?Gigante, Dove visse Filodemo?  www.jstor.orgZPE2001 
BibliografiaZur Geschichte der sogenannten Neuen AkademieGigon, Geschichte  books.google.itMH1944 
BibliografiaEin Besuch in der Officina de'PapiriGomperz, Besuch  archive.orgWS1897ripubbl. in Theodor Gomperz, Eine Auswahl...
BibliografiaGomperz, Nachlese zu den Bruchstücken der griechischen Tragiker IVGomperz, Nachlese  archive.orgSAWW1888 
BibliografiaPhilodem und die ästhetischen Schriften der Herculanischen BibliothekGomperz, Schriften  www.archive.orgSAWW1891ripubbl. in Theodor Gomperz, Eine Auswahl...
BibliografiaZur Chronologie des Stoikers ZenonGomperz, Stoikers Zenon  archive.orgSAWW1903Cf. L. «PhW» 23 (1903), col. 1637.
BibliografiaMetathesis as an Instrument in the Criticism of poetryGreenberg, Metathesis  www.jstor.orgTAPhA1958 

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