
Mostrati 301-320 di 356 Risultati.
BibliografiaPolitics and SocietyRoskam, Politics and SocietyMitsis, Epicurus and Epicureanism2020
BibliografiaMitografi e storici in Filodemo (De pietate, pars altera)Salati, De pietate, pars alteraCErc2012
BibliografiaTel un dieu parmi les hommes. L’éthique d’EpicureSalem  books.google.itSalem, Épicure1989 
BibliografiaPaul's Frank Speech with the Galatians and the CorinthiansSampley, Frank Speech  books.google.itNew Testament2004 
BibliografiaPer la storia dell'epistolario di EpicuroSbordone, EpistolarioSbordone, Epistolario1963 
BibliografiaPhilodemi Adversus [sophistas]. E papyro Herculanensi 1005Sbordone, PHerc. 1005Sbordone, PHerc. 10051947 
BibliografiaPrimi lineamenti di un ritratto di Fedro epicureoSbordone, Primi lineamentiPI1968 
BibliografiaContritio und «ultima linea rerum» in neuen epikureischen TextenSchmid, Contritio  www.rhm.uni-koeln.deRhM1957 
BibliografiaEpikurSchmid, EpikurRAC1961Schmid (Epikur) tr. it. col titolo Epicuro e...
BibliografiaEthica Epicurea. Pap. Herc. 1251Schmid, EthicaStudia Herculanensia1939 
BibliografiaDie Netze des Seelenfaengers. Zur Jagdmetaphorik im philosophischen Protreptikos des Demetrius Lacon (Pap. Herc. 831)Schmid, NetzePdP1955Ripubblicato in W. Schmid, Ausgewählte...
BibliografiaNugae HerculanensesSchmid, Nugae  www.rhm.uni-koeln.deRhM1944 
CatalogoFragmenta Herculanensia. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oxford Copies of the Herculanean Rolls together with the Texts of Several Papyri accompanied by FacsimilesScott  archive.orgScott, Fragmenta Herculanensia1885 
BibliografiaEpicurus and the Mathematicians of CyzicusSedley, MathematiciansCErc1976 
BibliografiaEpicurus, On Nature Book XXVIIISedley, Nat. XXVIIICErc1973 
BibliografiaEpicurus and his Professional RivalsSedley, RivalsCPhilol1976 
BibliografiaThe Structure of Epicurus' On NatureSedley, StructureCErc1974 
BibliografiaThe epigrams of Philodemus. Introduction, text, and commentarySider, Epigrams  books.google.itSider, Philodemus1997Cf. in part. Longo, Epigrammi.
BibliografiaHow to Commit Philosophy Obliquely: Philodemus' Epigrams in the Light of his Peri ParrhesiasSider, Peri Parrhesias  books.google.itNew Testament2004 
BibliografiaHerculaneum and Oinoanda, Philodemus and Diogenes: Comparison of Two Epicurean Discoveries and Two Epicurean TeachersSmith, ComparisonCErc2003 

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