
Mostrati 201-211 di 211 Risultati.
BibliografiaMetrodori Epicurei FragmentaKörte, Metrodori Fragmenta  archive.orgJCPh1890 Cf. L.Stein-P. Wendland, «AGPh» 4 (1891),...
BibliografiaEpicureaUsenerUsener, Epicurea1887
CatalogoFragmenta Herculanensia. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oxford Copies of the Herculanean Rolls together with the Texts of Several Papyri accompanied by FacsimilesScott  archive.orgScott, Fragmenta Herculanensia1885 
BibliografiaThe Physical Constitution of the Epicurean GodsScott, Physical Constitution  archive.orgJPh1883 
CatalogoCatalogo generale dei Papiri ErcolanesiMartini  Martini.pdfComparetti-De Petra, Villa1883 
BibliografiaEin Brief Epikurs an ein KindGomperz, Brief  https://www.jstor.org/stable/4471180Hermes1871ripubbl. in Theodor Gomperz, Eine Auswahl...
BibliografiaDe Metrodori Epicurei vita et scriptis. Accedunt fragmenta collecta digesta illustrataDuening  play.google.comDuening, Metrodori fragmenta1870 
BibliografiaPhilodem Über die FrömmigkeitGomperz, Frömmigkeit  books.google.itGomperz, Frömmigkeit1866 
BibliografiaPhilodemos peri eusebeiasBücheler, Piet.JCPh1865 
BibliografiaHerculanensium Voluminum quae supersunt. Collectio alteraVH2  epikur-wuerzburg.deVH21862
BibliografiaZur Lehre von der Götterbildern in der epikureischen PhilosophieFreymuth, LehreFreymuth, Lehre1853 

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