
Mostrati 281-300 di 326 Risultati.
BibliografiaEthica Epicurea. Pap. Herc. 1251Schmid, EthicaStudia Herculanensia1939 
BibliografiaHommage à Robert PhilippsonSchmid, HommageAGB VIII1969
BibliografiaLukrez und die Stoiker, Quellenuntersuchungen zu De rerum naturaSchmidt, LukrezSchmidt, Lukrez1975 
BibliografiaThe Stoic Idea of the CitySchofield  books.google.itSchofield, Stoic Idea1991 
BibliografiaPlutarchs Schrift De Pythiae oraculisSchroeder, PlutarchsSchroeder, Plutarch1990 
BibliografiaI segni nel primo libro dell’opera di Filodemo La ricchezza (PHerc. 163)ScognamiglioCErc2005 
CatalogoFragmenta Herculanensia. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oxford Copies of the Herculanean Rolls together with the Texts of Several Papyri accompanied by FacsimilesScott  archive.orgScott, Fragmenta Herculanensia1885 
BibliografiaSextus, Epicurus and the atomist criteria of truthSedley  lexicon.cnr.itElenchos1992 
BibliografiaEpicurean Anti-ReductionismSedley, Anti-Reductionism  www.academia.eduMatter and Metaphysics1988 
BibliografiaAgainst Democritus-Toward the endSedley, DemocritusCharta Borgiana1990 
BibliografiaLucretius and the Transformation of Greek WisdomSedley, Lucretius  books.google.itSedley, Lucretius1995 
BibliografiaEpicurus and the Mathematicians of CyzicusSedley, MathematiciansCErc1976 
BibliografiaEpicurus, On Nature Book XXVIIISedley, Nat. XXVIIICErc1973 
BibliografiaThe ProtagonistsSedley, ProtagonistsDoubt and Dogmatism1980 
BibliografiaOn SignsSedley, SignsScience and Speculation1982 
BibliografiaThe epigrams of Philodemus. Introduction, text, and commentarySider, Epigrams  books.google.itSider, Philodemus1997Cf. in part. Longo, Epigrammi.
BibliografiaHerculaneum and Oinoanda, Philodemus and Diogenes: Comparison of Two Epicurean Discoveries and Two Epicurean TeachersSmith, ComparisonCErc2003 
BibliografiaEpikurejski Nauk o BogovihSodnik-Zupanec, EpikurejskiZAnt1955 
BibliografiaSesto, Epicuro e gli epicureiSpinelli, SestoSIFC1991 
BibliografiaEpikurs Prinzip der Einheit von Schmerzlosigkeit und LustSteckel, LustSteckel, Lust1960 

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