Elenco Pubblicazioni

Mostrati 941-960 di 1014 Risultati.
AltroThe StoicsThe Stoics1978Cf.: A. M. Ioppolo, "Elenchos"1 (1980), p. 374.
AltroThe Stoics on AmbiguityAtherton, Stoics1993 
AltroThe Textual Tradition of Euripides' OrestesDiggle1991 
AltroThe Theology of the Early Greek PhilosophersJaeger, Theology1947=Die Theologie der frühen griechischen Denker
AltroThe Therapy of DesireNussbaum, Desire1994 
AltroThe epigrams of Philodemus. Introduction, text, and commentarySider, Philodemus1997 
AltroThe morality of happinessAnnas, Morality1993 
AltroThe thirteen Books of Euclid's ElementsHeath, Thirteen Books1956 
AltroTheophrasti Characteres et Philodemi de vitiis liber XUssing, Theophrasti Characteres1868 
AltroTheophrasti peri lexeos libri fragmentaMayer, Peri lexeos1910 
AltroTheophrastus Characters, Herodas Mimes, Cercidas & the Choliambic PoetsRusten, Theophrastus1993J. Rusten, C. Cunningham, A.D. Knox
AltroTheophrastus of EresusTheophrastus1993ed. Fortenbaugh et alii
AltroTheorie der Sinnesempfindung bei LukrezSchütte, Lukrez1888 
AltroThirty-six Engravings of Texts and Alphabets from the Herculanean Fragments Taken from the Original Copperplates Executed under the Direction of the Rev. John Hayter, A. M., and now in the Bodleian LibraryHayter, Engravings1891 
AltroTiti Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sexBailey, Lucretius1972 
AltroTito Lucrezio Caro e l'epicureismo campanoDella Valle, Epicureismo1935 
AltroTitres et articulations du texte dans les oeuvres antiquesTitres1997Actes du Colloque International de Chantilly,...
AltroTitus Lucretius Carus, De rerum natura Buch IIIHeinze, Lucretius1897 
AltroTrGF 4: SophoclesTrGF 41977 
AltroTracing the Same Path. Tradizione e innovazione nella papirologia ercolanese tra Germania e Italia. Tradition und Fortschritt in der herkulanischen Papyrologie zwischen Deutschland und ItalienDʼAngelo-Essler-Nicolardi, Tracing the Same Path (CErc VII Suppl.)2021Settimo Supplemento a «Cronache Ercolanesi»